Under the powers conferred upon the undersigned vide resolutions passed by the Apex Council of the DDCA, following committee(s) is hereby constituted for the purposes enumerated thereunder:


Mr. Pawan Gulati


Dr. Rajni Abbi


Mr. Sunil Yadav


Mr. Harish Singla


Mr. Ashok Sharma


Mr. V.K Rao


Chief Executive Officer



The quorum for the meetings of the Committee shall be four (04) members.  The Convener shall convene the meetings of the Committee with the concurrence of the Chairman.  In the event of non-availability of the Chairman, the Convener shall convene the meeting with the permission of the President.

Role & Responsibilities

The Committee shall:

  1. Finalise the Annual Budget and the Revised Budget of the DDCA and recommend the same for approval of the Apex Council.
  2. Sanction the re-appropriation of expenditure from one budget head to the other, both major and minor, within the approved budget.
  3. Sanction 10% of the additional budget in respect of any approved head of expenditure to meet contingent and emergent situations subject to ex post-facto ratification by the Apex Council.
  4. Review the financial position of the DDCA from time to time and suggest measures for augmentation of revenue and regulation of expenditure.
  5. Streamline and approve all financial processes including the payment process.
  6. Lay down norms for approval of pending payments and also scrutinise and clear such cases as and when directed by the Apex Council.
  7. Recommend appointment of Internal and Statutory Auditors to the Apex Council.
  8. Examine reports of Internal and Statutory Auditors and recommend appropriate action thereon for consideration of the Apex Council.
  9. Delegate, with the approval of the President, financial powers to CEO and other officers, as required, for smooth functioning of day-to-day affairs.

New Delhi



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