Under the powers conferred upon the undersigned vide resolutions passed by the Apex Council of the DDCA, following committee(s) is hereby constituted for the purposes enumerated thereunder:
Mr. Rohan Jaitley |
Chairperson |
Mrs. Shashi Khanna |
Member |
Mr. Siddharth Sahib Singh |
Member |
Dr. Rajni Abbi |
Member |
Mr. Harish Singla |
Member |
Mr. Ashok Sharma |
Member |
Chief Executive Officer |
Member |
The quorum for the meetings of the Committee shall be three (03) members which shall mandatorily include the Chairman.
Role & Responsibilities
The Committee shall:
- Oversee the functioning of Club activities including gym and restaurant.
- Lay down norms for organisation of special events for members such and tambola etc.
- Constitute Sub-Committee(s) from amongst themselves.
- Lay down standard for various supplies pertaining to club, restaurant and bar.
- Ensure hygiene and sanitization of Club, Restaurant, Bar and other facilities concerning members.
- Suggest measures for improvement of various Club facilities including but not limited to Restaurant and Bar.
- The committee shall be responsible to maintain highest standards of transparency in each and every aspect.
New Delhi